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|How can I be updated on news from Core Events?

- Like and follow our Facebook page, stay on top of our Discord server, follow us on Flickr and Instagram.
So you can stay informed by any news related to our event.
You can subscribe to receive updates from our website on the home screen (
Home) on the right under "Subscribe".
You can find our other contacts on the Home page on the left of your screen under "Contact". You can find at the end
from the pages the icons that will take you to our social networks.


|I am a Designer, how can I participate?

Although we are an invite only event, we are always looking for new talent designers! so you can always fill our designer form, and if you are accepted, one of our managers will contact you!


|I am a Blogger, how can I join the bloggers team?

We are always looking for new talent bloggers! so you can always fill our blogger form on blogger aplication area, and if you are accepted, one of our managers will contact you!


|I need to contact someone on the Tokyo Zero team, who can I talk to?

You can send a message to the email:
Or contact our Resident Slayr Cloud
 the Core Events manager by sending a
notecard with a title and description about your question.


Kind Regards,

Core Events Team

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Core Events is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research, Inc.


Core Events is not responsible for eventual expressed opinions and content by third parties.

© 2021 Core Events

All Rights Reserved

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